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DNS Zone Transfer – Important Networking Basics – Part 29

DNS Enumeration (DNS Zone Transfer)

For example we have a website with abc.com and you have other subdomains like shop.abc.com and now you want to manage that domain in a spereate way. We have to separate it in a systemic way so that there can be a differentiation. 

This distribution of work is delegation 

Zones are a portion of namespace Set of all DNS names on internet is Namespace

So here shop.abc.com have different zones

A DNS zone is a portion of DNS namespace which is managed by a specific organisation or a administrator.

It is an administrative space which allows a more granular control (giving control on a very small level) of the DNS components such as authoritative name servers

It also allows us to simplify the work and manage a huge amount of work. 

A DNS zone can also in fact contain multiple subdomains and also multiple zones which can exists on the same server

The DNS zones are not something that are physically separated from one another, zones are strictly used for delegating control. 

dns zone transfer

All the information for a zone is stored in a DNS zone file which is the key to understand how a DNS zone operates

A zone file is a simple text file that is stored in a DNS server that contains all the records for every domain within the zone

Zone files must always start with a Start of Authority (SOA) record, which contains important information like the contact information for the zone administrator

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