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Collision Domain and Broadcast Domain – Important Networking Basics – Part 32

Collision Domain

  1. It is a case when a device in a network sends out a message to the network then all the other devices which are included in its collision domain have to pay attention to it no matter if the packet was for them or not.
  2. It tells us how many devices can get our attention when a message is sent 
  3. If a collision occurs then we have to resend the packet due to which the network effeminacy decreases 
collision domain

The circle denotes the collision domain 

Hub - It broadcasts so have a collision domain as all its node

Switch - It has star topology therefore each node has a different collision domain for each port

Router - We connect different nodes to a router. It never broadcast, it just routes traffic from one point to other thus having a separate collision domain for the nodes. 

Broadcast Domain

  1. The number of host/nodes the device can broadcast data to is known as a broadcast domain
  2. It has all the devices that can reach each other at the data link layer using a broadcast
  3. All the data that is send through the port on the hubs or a switch are by default in the same broadcast domain
  4. All ports which are on a router are in different broadcast domains as all the routers do not send broadcast
broadcast domain

The switch and hub create a full broadcast domain while the router only makes different broadcast domains as a switch never broadcast in general.

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